Three years since you've been gone. Still seems strange. The holidays are still weird. The armchair in the family room still seems empty. It's even odd going to Indians games without you - although they stink this year. I'm sure we would've gone to some of the promotional games.
We all still wish we had your help with the seemingly endless to-do list. We wish we had your decisiveness. I wish I still had you to call when I need advice. I wish you were here for car shopping and haggling. I wish you were here for Mom.
Mariella and I have been married for more than a year now. I'm continually inspired by Mom. The girls seem to be doing well - making you proud. The grandkids are fun as per usual. I'm taking the boys fishing this weekend - Henry kept asking. I just hope no one gets hooked.
I still run into people that knew you. You had such a huge impact on so many people. It's pretty amazing. So many people miss you - me especially.
We love you always.