Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy belated to Sammy and early birthday to Lisa

I asked this robot to deliver you a cake. Hopefully you got it and he didn't malfunction on the way over.

Joan's new blog

Joan has fallen prey to sibling pressure and got herself a real live blogspot blog. Read all about her new exciting life as a contributing member of society working for the Cleveland Foodbank. She's making us proud.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Doing my duty

Jury duty is so much fun. It involves lots of waiting around for them to call your name. Highly exciting. The entire group was briefed on procedures and stuff. The highlight was when they had to do another announcement reminding us not to smoke in the restrooms as the whole building is a non-smoking facility. Seriously?! Someone was smoking in the restroom? What the hell is wrong with people. They were pretty explicit about the not smoking thing in the video.

The video orientation was pretty hilarious. It was about 20 minutes long. 10 of those minutes are spent telling you what a valuable service you are providing to society. Then they tell you how rewarding it can be for you - apparently you can make many lifelong friends with the people you serve with. The closest I've come to a "friend" today was a woman insistent on telling me how delicious her sausage from the food court was "it was right off the grill and greasy!"

The video goes on to tell you about all the waiting you'll be doing. In fact, they show a guy using one of the tables to work on a jigsaw puzzle waiting to be called. I figured it was just for dramatic effect. I mean who even thinks to bring a jigsaw puzzle? I dismissed it as an editorial embellishment but I was looking for a place to set up my computer on some of the counters around here and there's a sign posted reading: Please do not use this counter for puzzles. So maybe I'll bring one in tomorrow.

Friday, June 13, 2008

I need to learn to play my banjo

Baby Loves Banjo
Originally uploaded by Kamepyon
before we have kids.

I dare you to tell me this doesn't make your heart smile.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A robot for Sammy

Went to the world of coke museum. It's pretty neat from an advertising perspective. They talk a lot about the marketing advances that the company had made through the years. There's also a 4D movie with a ferret that was pretty dippy. The best part is the 64-flavor tasting room. There's pops from all over the world. Beverly from italy is the worst tasting one in the place. The robot pictured above is a packaging robot. It could pick up bottles, pack them into boxes and even get new boxes to fill. Pretty neat.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Rick as Scarlet

I think I've discussed Rick here before. He's my friend and mentor from AAF-Cleveland. He's known throughout AAF for his penchant for costumes. They're usually themed to whatever city we're in, so for Atlanta he was Scarlet O'Hare. The best part is the reactions he gets from people not expecting a cross-dressing Executive Director.

The creepiest part of the costume was Rick's chest hair visible through the mesh top of the dress.

I'm back.

In case you live under a rock and haven't been following my adventures on, I'm now married and honeymooned. It was a very nice affair all around. So check back often for more bflk antics.