Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Eagle has Landed a hundred bucks
I don't really care but unoriginal Halloween costumes really steam my beans. It's not creative if it's someone else's creation. I don't think it's creative if you're dressing up as someone else's creation. Every year someone dresses up like a SNL actor or something. I don't think it's amusing or clever. Just like you're not funny (or funnier) if you can quote lines from Austin Powers or whatever the crappy comedy of the moment is.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Neighbor's yard - as awesome as ever
The neighbor's backyard is just as awesome as ever. Fortunately, they put up some Halloween decorations in the front so now the whole yard resembles a hellhole.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Eagles are Awesome!

Monday, October 22, 2007
Been a while
1. The push is on to get Toledo done and sold. So we've been driving the turnpike alot - SIDE STORY: B-I-L Mike was nice enough to come up one weekend and he shared a great tip he learned at work for when you find yourself telling a story that you realize isn't really going anywhere. Simply add the phrase "and then I found $20." Try it. People forget all about the crappy story you were telling up top. Kristen uses it well in one of her posts.
2. I've been getting interviewed by a bunch of media folks. More on that at a later date.
3. We had our clambake. It was a good time.
4. Watching Indians games. Stupid Indians.
5. Been busy at work which is good.
6. Been busy with my AAF-Cleveland duties.
They Might Be Darkness
More phone cleaning goodness. This is They Might Be Giants playing in the dark at the Beachland Ballroom because they blew a fuse. They're playing Particle Man.
Minimum pricing
Cleaning out the photos on my phone. I saw this on vacation in the Poconos. I've never seen this selling technique. Got 99 cents? Don't bother coming in here.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Life on the on-ramp
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Garage Sale of the Century
We put Jill to work promoting our garage sale. We also thought she died that day while sitting on some the merch - she's 15. Turns out she's just a VERY sound sleeper. We made some cash but more importantly cleaned out a good portion of the crap we've collected.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Bug off, Yankees!
I was at the game with the Rally Bugs vs. the Yankees. It was awesome.
I was decked out in my shirt reading "Wrong Hat, LeBron." My section went nuts whenever I walked up the steps. I must've high-fived at least 100 people and several took my photos. And word has it that LeBron showed up in Shanghai in a Tribe cap.